Over the last decade,a growing impatience witholder technologies has driven electronics
companies to bring new or derivative products to
market every four to six months.Now more than
ever,time-to-market has a very serious meaning.
But companies like Sun report that sometimes
design closure takes anywhere from 130 to 190 percent longer than planned -- in market terms,this
means product,or even company,death.
Is there any relief in sight? The answer will not
come from one great innovation. Instead, a combination of things must occur simultaneously to relieve the hardships encountered on the quest for
design closure. Much emphasis has been placed on
timing-closure solutions at the back end of the design cycle. If you look at the design flow itself,you
can see that RTL engineers also go through multiple loops during the design process. The first loop
is during the development of the RTL, as designers
write,simulate and then synthesize the RTL code.
Then they check the performance and most often
go back to modify the RTL and synthesize it again.If
the performance goals are not met,they change
the constraints and synthesize once more.
Once the performance goals are met with synthesis,the design moves into the layout stages.
After layout,post-layout performance is compared
with post-synthesis performance and, typically, the
numbers don 't match.Designers then usually perform physical optimization,but often this buys
them only about a 10 percent improvement in their
overall timing goals.If the goals are still not met,
then one of two things can happen. Either the designers sacrifice performance to get the product
out to market or they go back to restructure the
RTL,which can kill the design schedule because of
reverification and implementation time.
What engineers need today is a mechanism to
improve the RTL-coding process.Most of today's
designers don 't understand how their RTL code
ends up being converted to gates through synthesis.Up front they don't understand the performance they can obtain from a given technology
based on their design objectives.Yet,both of these
are necessary for an RTL designer to get the code
right the first time and to minimize the number of
synthesis-to-RTL loops they get stuck in.
Today,design closure is equated with timing closure,which focuses on reducing synthesis-to-lay-
out iterations,not the RTL-to-synthesis iterations.If
the RTL is written incorrectly,no amount of effort
during the physical-optimization stage will result in
design closure.
Many have tried to pin the blame on synthesis.
Synthesis is just the implementation tool;it cannot
fix a bad design that arises from an architectural
problem in the RTL code.What counts is the stuff
that happens before and after the synthesis process.
Design closure,in reality,consists of two parts:
- Getting the RTL code correct before synthesis,
- Getting the performance after layout to meet
the post-synthesis goals.
The first step,etting the code correct before
synthesis,is what we call RTL closure.RTL closure
allows designers to exit the RTL-coding stage with
architecturally correct RTL code.This greatly reduces the requirement for the designers to loop between synthesis and RTL.
RTL closure is achieved based on the following: